The Employer Branding Handbook: Menciptakan Reputasi Positif dan Tim Berkinerja Tinggi

The Employer Branding Handbook: Menciptakan Reputasi Positif dan Tim Berkinerja Tinggi

Employer Branding telah menjadi aspek manajemen SDM yang semakin penting, karena perusahaan bersaing untuk menarik dan mempertahankan talenta terbaik di pasar kerja yang sangat kompetitif. Employer Branding yang kuat dapat membantu membedakan perusahaan Anda dari pesaing, menarik kandidat yang tepat, dan menciptakan budaya tempat kerja yang positif. Pada artikel ini, kami akan mengeksplorasi strategi untuk membangun merek pemberi kerja yang kuat berdasarkan penelitian dan saran praktis dari para ahli di bidangnya.

Defining Your Employer Brand

Langkah pertama dalam membangun Employer Branding yang kuat adalah menentukan apa yang membuat perusahaan Anda unik. Ini melibatkan pemahaman budaya, nilai, dan misi perusahaan Anda, dan bagaimana ini sejalan dengan kebutuhan dan harapan audiens target Anda. Menurut Richard Mosley, penulis “Employer Branding for Dummies” dan “Employer Branding and the Employee Lifecycle,” Brand’s Image Strategy  harus didasarkan pada tiga elemen utama: diferensiasi, relevansi, dan keaslian.

Untuk membedakan perusahaan Anda dari pesaing, Anda perlu mengidentifikasi apa yang membuat perusahaan Anda unik dan unggul dalam bidang tertentu  dalam Employer Branding ditempat Anda. Misalnya, jika perusahaan Anda memiliki komitmen yang kuat terhadap keberlanjutan, Anda dapat meng-highlight nilai tersebut  dalam strategi rekrutmen ditempat Anda untuk menarik kandidat yang memiliki nilai yang sama.

Relevansi berarti memahami kebutuhan dan preferensi audiens target Anda dan membentuk Employer Branding ditempat Anda untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ini. Misalnya, jika Anda menargetkan kaum milenial, Anda mungkin dapat memfokuskan pada nilai  Work Life Balance, waktu kerja yang fleksibel, dan kesetaraan peluang untuk tumbuh dan pengembangan karier.

Authenticity berarti memiliki loyalitas dan menerapkan budaya, nilai, dan misi perusahaan Anda. Ini berarti tidak hanya mempromosikan aspek-aspek positif perusahaan Anda, tetapi juga bersikap transparan tentang tantangan atau bidang apa pun untuk perbaikan. Ini membantu membangun kepercayaan dengan kandidat potensial dan menciptakan reputasi positif untuk perusahaan Anda.

Leveraging Your Existing Employees

Salah satu sumber daya paling powerful untuk membangun Employer Branding yang kuat adalah karyawan Anda yang ada saat ini. Menurut Laura K. Meister dan Kelly Monahan, penulis buku “The role of employer branding in the war for talent,” karyawan dapat menjadi “brand ambassador” yang membantu mempromosikan budaya dan nilai perusahaan Anda melalui media sosial dan media lainnya.

Untuk memanfaatkan karyawan Anda, Anda dapat mendorong mereka untuk membagikan pengalaman dan kisah sukses mereka di platform media sosial seperti LinkedIn, Instagram, dan Facebook. Anda juga dapat memberi mereka peluang pelatihan dan pengembangan yang membantu mereka tumbuh secara profesional dan menjadi lebih terlibat dengan perusahaan Anda.

Building a Strong Online Presence

Di era digital saat ini, kehadiran media online yang kuat sangat penting untuk membangun brand perusahaan yang kuat. Ini berarti memiliki situs web perusahaan yang dirancang dengan baik dan informatif, serta profil media sosial aktif yang menampilkan budaya, nilai, dan misi perusahaan Anda.

Untuk membangun brand image  online yang kuat, Anda harus berfokus pada pembuatan konten yang menarik, informatif, dan relevan dengan audiens target Anda. Ini dapat mencakup posting blog, video, dan pembaruan media sosial yang menyoroti kualitas dan nilai unik perusahaan Anda. Anda juga harus terlibat dengan pengikut Anda dan segera menanggapi komentar dan pertanyaan mereka untuk membangun reputasi positif bagi perusahaan Anda.

Investing in Employee Development

Berinvestasi dalam pengembangan karyawan adalah strategi kunci lain untuk membangun Employer Branding yang kuat. Ini berarti memberi karyawan Anda peluang pelatihan dan pengembangan yang membantu mereka mempelajari keterampilan baru, menghadapi tantangan baru, dan tumbuh secara profesional.

Menurut Rachel I. Richardson dan J. Scott Armstrong, penulis “Building a Strong Employer Brand: A Case Study of the University of Warwick,” berinvestasi dalam pengembangan karyawan dapat membantu mempertahankan karyawan yang ada dan menarik bakat baru yang ingin bekerja untuk mereka. sebuah perusahaan yang menghargai pertumbuhan profesional mereka.

Creating a Positive Candidate Experience

Terakhir, menciptakan pengalaman kandidat yang positif sangat penting untuk membangun Employer Branding yang kuat. Ini berarti memberikan komunikasi yang jelas, proses rekrutmen yang tepat waktu dan efisien, serta kesan positif tentang budaya dan nilai perusahaan Anda selama proses rekrutmen.

Menurut sebuah studi oleh CareerArc, 60% pencari kerja memiliki pengalaman kandidat yang buruk, dan ini dapat berdampak negatif pada merek perusahaan Anda. Untuk menciptakan pengalaman kandidat yang positif, Anda harus:

Berkomunikasi dengan jelas dan segera dengan kandidat selama proses rekrutmen, termasuk memberikan pembaruan rutin tentang status lamaran mereka. Bersikap hormat dan profesional dalam semua interaksi dengan kandidat, termasuk selama wawancara dan komunikasi lanjutan. Berikan review yang realistis tentang budaya dan nilai perusahaan Anda selama proses rekrutmen, termasuk melalui deskripsi pekerjaan, testimonial karyawan, dan kunjungan lapangan jika memungkinkan.  Dengan menciptakan pengalaman kandidat yang positif, Anda dapat membantu menarik talenta terbaik dan membangun reputasi positif untuk perusahaan Anda.

The Importance of Employer Branding

Menurut sebuah studi oleh LinkedIn, perusahaan dengan Employer Branding yang kuat memiliki biaya per perekrutan 43% lebih rendah dan tingkat turnover 28% lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan perusahaan dengan Employer Branding yang lemah. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa berinvestasi dalam Employer Branding dapat memberikan manfaat yang signifikan bagi organisasi dalam hal akuisisi dan retensi talenta.

Selain itu, dalam sebuah studi oleh Universum, 90% pelajar dan profesional muda mengatakan bahwa mereka akan mempertimbangkan Employer Branding sebelum melamar pekerjaan. Ini menyoroti pentingnya Employer Branding dalam menarik generasi talenta berikutnya. Google telah diakui sebagai salah satu pemberi kerja paling menarik secara global karena lingkungan kerjanya yang unik dan ramah karyawan.

Google’s Employer Brand

Perusahaan secara konsisten berinvestasdalam branding pemberi kerja untuk menarik dan mempertahankan talenta terbaik. Chief of Development Employer Strategy di Google adalah Kyle Ewing. Ewing telah bergabung dengan Google sejak 2007 dan telah memegang berbagai peran kepemimpinan SDM, termasuk memimpin SDM untuk organisasi penjualan dan memimpin mobilitas dan imigrasi global. Dalam perannya saat ini, Ewing bertanggung jawab untuk mendorong strategi merek perusahaan global Google dan inisiatif keterlibatan karyawan.

Google dikenal dengan lingkungan kerjanya yang inovatif dan ramah karyawan. Merek pemberi kerja perusahaan berfokus pada mempromosikan nilai-nilai kreativitas, kolaborasi, dan pembelajaran berkelanjutan.

Strategi komunikasi Google mencakup situs webnya, saluran media sosial, dan berbagai acara serta inisiatif yang mempromosikan merek perusahaannya. Perusahaan juga melibatkan karyawannya dalam proses branding dengan mendorong mereka untuk berbagi pengalaman melalui media sosial dan saluran komunikasi internal.

Google mengukur keefektifan merek perusahaannya melalui berbagai metrik, termasuk retensi karyawan dan tingkat kepuasan. Retensi karyawan mengacu pada persentase karyawan yang tetap bersama perusahaan selama periode tertentu. Tingkat retensi yang tinggi menunjukkan bahwa karyawan puas dengan pekerjaan mereka dan lingkungan kerja perusahaan. Google menggunakan tingkat retensi karyawan sebagai ukuran keefektifan merek pemberi kerjanya karena ini menunjukkan seberapa baik perusahaan mampu menarik dan mempertahankan talenta terbaik.

Tingkat kepuasan karyawan, di sisi lain, mengacu pada persentase karyawan yang melaporkan puas dengan pekerjaan dan perusahaan mereka. Google secara rutin melakukan survei karyawan untuk mengukur tingkat kepuasan karyawan. Perusahaan juga melacak umpan balik karyawan melalui berbagai saluran seperti ulasan Glassdoor, survei keterlibatan karyawan, dan pertemuan empat mata. Google juga mengukur keefektifan merek perusahaannya melalui metrik lain seperti:

  1. Applicant tracking: Google melacak jumlah pelamar pekerjaan yang diterimanya dan kualitasnya untuk mengukur keefektifan merek perusahaannya dalam menarik talenta terbaik.
  2. Social media engagement: Google mengukur tingkat keterlibatan di saluran media sosialnya, seperti suka, bagikan, dan komentar, untuk mengukur keefektifan pesan merek perusahaannya.Brand recognition: Google mengukur tingkat pengenalan merek yang dimilikinya di antara pencari kerja untuk menilai keefektifan strategi merek perusahaannya.

Contoh: Pada tahun 2020, Google menduduki peringkat nomor satu dalam daftar Perusahaan Terbaik Fortune untuk Bekerja. Pemeringkatan ini didasarkan pada beberapa faktor, antara lain kepuasan karyawan, tingkat retensi, dan tunjangan yang ditawarkan. Peringkat tinggi Google adalah contoh bagaimana strategi branding perusahaan telah efektif dalam menarik dan mempertahankan talenta terbaik. Selain itu, tingkat retensi perusahaan yang tinggi dan umpan balik karyawan yang positif pada platform seperti Glassdoor merupakan indikator efektivitas strategi merek perusahaan Google. Perusahaan secara teratur memperbarui merek perusahaannya untuk memastikannya tetap relevan dan efektif

Strategi branding perusahaan Google mencakup hal-hal berikut:

  1. Promoting its values: Strategi branding perusahaan Google berfokus pada mempromosikan nilai-nilai inovasi, kolaborasi, dan pembelajaran berkelanjutannya. Perusahaan menunjukkan komitmennya terhadap nilai-nilai ini melalui lingkungan kerja, tunjangan karyawan, dan inisiatif tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan.
  2. Providing an exceptional work environment: Google menyediakan lingkungan kerja yang menyenangkan, suportif, dan kreatif bagi karyawannya. Kampus perusahaan dirancang untuk mendorong kolaborasi dan kreativitas, dan karyawan diberikan berbagai fasilitas seperti makanan gratis, pusat kebugaran, dan perawatan kesehatan di tempat.
  3. Encouraging employee empowerment: Google memberdayakan karyawannya untuk memiliki pekerjaan mereka dan memberi mereka kebebasan untuk mengejar hasrat mereka. Perusahaan mendorong karyawannya untuk beikir kreatif dan memberi mereka berbagai peluang untuk pertumbuhan pribadi dan profesional.
  4. Engaging with the community: Google secara aktif terlibat dengan komunitas melalui berbagai prakarsa tanggung jawab sosial perusahaannya. Perusahaan mempromosikan kelestarian lingkungan, keadilan sosial, dan pendidikan, di antara penyebab lainnya.


Membangun Employer Branding yang kuat sangat penting untuk menarik dan mempertahankan talenta terbaik di pasar kerja yang sangat kompetitif saat ini. Dengan mendefinisikan merek perusahaan Anda, memanfaatkan karyawan Anda yang ada, membangun kehadiran online yang kuat, berinvestasi dalam pengembangan karyawan, dan menciptakan pengalaman kandidat yang positif, Anda dapat membedakan perusahaan Anda dari pesaing dan menciptakan budaya tempat kerja yang positif yang menarik dan mempertahankan talenta terbaik.


Ambler, T., & Barrow, S. (1996). The employer brand. Journal of Brand Management, 4(3), 185-206.
Iles, P., & Yolles, M. (2010). Employer branding and the contemporary career. Journal of Brand Management, 18(2), 93-101.
Klienman, M., & McDonald, S. (2017). Employer branding and talent management in the luxury sector. Journal of Business Research, 70, 357-365.
Meister, L. K., & Monahan, K. (2014). The role of employer branding in the war for talent. Journal of Brand Strategy, 3(1), 20-30.
Mosley, R. (2017). Employer Branding and the Employee Lifecycle. Wiley.
Mosley, R. (2017). Employer Branding for Dummies. Wiley.
Richardson, R. I., & Armstrong, J. S. (2018). Building a strong employer brand: A case study of the University of Warwick. International Journal of Forecasting, 34(4), 820-827.

5 Winning Strategies for Small Companies to Attract and Retain Top Talent and Beat Deep Pocket Competitors

5 Winning Strategies for Small Companies to Attract and Retain Top Talent and Beat Deep Pocket Competitors

Attracting and retaining top potential employees can be a challenging task for any company, particularly if you’re competing against larger organizations with deeper pockets. However, there are several strategies that small companies can employ to beat deep pocket companies in attracting and retaining top talent. In this article, we will explore these strategies and share examples of small companies that have successfully attracted and retained high potential employees.

Non-Monetary Benefits

While salary is important, many high potential employees also value non-monetary benefits such as flexible work arrangements, generous vacation time, and professional development opportunities. According to a survey by Glassdoor, 80% of employees would choose additional benefits over a pay raise. Small companies can leverage this by offering unique benefits that larger companies might not be able to offer.

For example, Trunk Club, a personal styling service for men and women, offers its employees an unlimited vacation policy. This policy allows employees to take as much time off as they need, as long as their work is completed. This policy has been successful in attracting and retaining high potential employees who value work-life balance.

Emphasize Company Culture

Company culture is becoming increasingly important to job seekers, especially younger employees who prioritize a positive workplace environment. According to a survey by LinkedIn, 70% of professionals would not work at a leading company if it meant they had to tolerate a bad workplace culture.

Small companies can leverage their unique culture to attract and retain high potential employees. For example, MailChimp, an email marketing company, has a fun and quirky company culture. They have a mascot named Freddie, and their office has a treehouse conference room. This culture has been successful in attracting and retaining top talent who value a fun and unique workplace.

Ability to Make an Impact

High potential employees want to make a difference and feel that their work is meaningful. Small companies can leverage their agility to offer employees the ability to make a significant impact. For example, Buffer, a social media management platform, allows employees to work on projects that align with their interests and passions. This has been successful in attracting and retaining high potential employees who want to make a difference in the world.

Foster a Sense of Community

A strong sense of community can be a powerful motivator for high potential employees. Small companies can leverage their size to create a tight-knit community in the workplace. For example, Birchbox, a beauty subscription service, hosts regular events for its employees, including yoga classes and happy hours. This has been successful in fostering a sense of community and attracting and retaining top talent.

Invest in Professional Development

High potential employees are often looking for opportunities to learn and grow in their careers. Small companies can leverage this by investing in their professional development. For example, Moz, an SEO software company, offers its employees a $3,000 annual budget for professional development. This has been successful in attracting and retaining high potential employees who value career growth and development.


Attracting and retaining high potential employees can be a challenge for small companies, but by leveraging their unique advantages, such as non-monetary benefits, company culture, the ability to make an impact, a sense of community, and professional development, they can beat deep pocket companies in attracting and retaining top talent. By doing so, small companies can compete with larger organizations and build a team of high performers that can drive success and growth.


Glassdoor. (2015). Glassdoor Employment Confidence Survey: Top Employee Benefits & Perks for 2015.
LinkedIn. (2019). Inside the Mind of Today’s Candidate.
Lieberman, L. (2017). How to Attract and Retain Top Talent: Five Small Business Strategies That Work. Forbes.
Sullivan, J. (2017). How Small Companies Can Attract and Retain Top

The Employer Branding Handbook: Creating a Positive Reputation and a High-Performing Team

The Employer Branding Handbook: Creating a Positive Reputation and a High-Performing Team

Employer branding has become an increasingly important aspect of HR management, as companies compete to attract and retain top talent in a highly competitive job market. A strong employer brand can help to differentiate your company from competitors, attract the right candidates, and create a positive workplace culture. In this article, we will explore strategies for building a strong employer brand based on research and practical advice from experts in the field.

Defining Your Employer Brand

The first step in building a strong employer brand is to define what makes your company unique. This involves understanding your company culture, values, and mission, and how these align with the needs and expectations of your target audience. According to Richard Mosley, author of “Employer Branding for Dummies” and “Employer Branding and the Employee Lifecycle,” your employer brand should be based on three key elements: differentiation, relevance, and authenticity.

To differentiate your company from competitors, you need to identify what makes your company unique and highlight these qualities in your employer brand. For example, if your company has a strong commitment to sustainability, you can highlight this in your messaging and recruitment strategies to attract candidates who share this value.

Relevance means understanding the needs and preferences of your target audience and shaping your employer brand to meet these needs. For example, if you are targeting millennials, you may want to focus on work-life balance, flexible scheduling, and opportunities for career growth and development.

Authenticity means being true to your company culture, values, and mission. This means not only promoting the positive aspects of your company, but also being transparent about any challenges or areas for improvement. This helps to build trust with potential candidates and creates a positive reputation for your company.

Leveraging Your Existing Employees

One of the most powerful resources for building a strong employer brand is your existing employees. According to Laura K. Meister and Kelly Monahan, authors of “The role of employer branding in the war for talent,” employees can be “brand ambassadors” who help to promote your company culture and values through social media and other channels.

To leverage your existing employees, you can encourage them to share their experiences and success stories on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook. You can also provide them with training and development opportunities that help them to grow professionally and become more engaged with your company.

Building a Strong Online Presence

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is essential for building a strong employer brand. This means having a well-designed and informative company website, as well as active social media profiles that showcase your company culture, values, and mission.

To build a strong online presence, you should focus on creating content that is engaging, informative, and relevant to your target audience. This can include blog posts, videos, and social media updates that highlight your company’s unique qualities and values. You should also engage with your followers and respond to their comments and queries promptly to build a positive reputation for your company.

Investing in Employee Development

Investing in employee development is another key strategy for building a strong employer brand. This means providing your employees with training and development opportunities that help them to learn new skills, take on new challenges, and grow professionally.

According to Rachel I. Richardson and J. Scott Armstrong, authors of “Building a Strong Employer Brand: A Case Study of the University of Warwick,” investing in employee development can help to retain existing employees and attract new talent who want to work for a company that values their professional growth.

Creating a Positive Candidate Experience

Finally, creating a positive candidate experience is essential for building a strong employer brand. This means providing clear communication, a timely and efficient recruitment process, and a positive impression of your company culture and values throughout the recruitment process.

According to a study by CareerArc, 60% of job seekers have had a poor candidate experience, and this can have a negative impact on your employer brand. To create a positive candidate experience, you should:

Communicate clearly and promptly with candidates throughout the recruitment process, including providing regular updates on the status of their application.
Be respectful and professional in all interactions with candidates, including during interviews and in follow-up communications.
Provide a realistic preview of your company culture and values throughout the recruitment process, including through job descriptions, employee testimonials, and site visits if possible.
By creating a positive candidate experience, you can help to attract top talent and build a positive reputation for your company.

The Importance of Employer Branding

According to a study by LinkedIn, companies with strong employer brands have a 43% lower cost per hire and a 28% lower turnover rate compared to companies with weak employer brands. This shows that investing in employer branding can lead to significant benefits for organizations in terms of talent acquisition and retention.

Moreover, in a study by Universum, 90% of students and young professionals say that they would consider an employer’s brand before applying for a job. This highlights the importance of employer branding in attracting the next generation of talent. Google has been recognized as one of the most attractive employers globally due to its unique and employee-friendly work environment.

Google’s Employer Brand

The company has consistently invested in employer branding to attract and retain top talent. The Chief of Development Employer Strategy at Google was Kyle Ewing. Ewing has been with Google since 2007 and has held various HR leadership roles, including leading HR for the sales organization and leading global mobility and immigration. In her current role, Ewing is responsible for driving Google’s global employer brand strategy and employee engagement initiatives.

Google is known for its innovative and employee-friendly work environment. The company’s employer brand focuses on promoting its values of creativity, collaboration, and continuous learning.

Google’s communication strategy includes its website, social media channels, and various events and initiatives that promote its employer brand. The company also involves its employees in the branding process by encouraging them to share their experiences through social media and internal communication channels.

Google measures the effectiveness of its employer brand through various metrics, including employee retention and satisfaction rates. Employee retention refers to the percentage of employees who remain with the company over a specific period. High retention rates indicate that employees are satisfied with their jobs and the company’s work environment. Google uses employee retention rates as a measure of the effectiveness of its employer brand because it shows how well the company is able to attract and retain top talent.

Employee satisfaction rates, on the other hand, refer to the percentage of employees who report being satisfied with their jobs and the company. Google regularly conducts employee surveys to measure employee satisfaction levels. The company also tracks employee feedback through various channels such as Glassdoor reviews, employee engagement surveys, and one-on-one meetings.  Google also measures the effectiveness of its employer brand through other metrics such as:

  1. Applicant tracking: Google tracks the number of job applicants it receives and their quality to measure the effectiveness of its employer brand in attracting top talent.
  2. Social media engagement: Google measures the engagement levels on its social media channels, such as likes, shares, and comments, to gauge the effectiveness of its employer brand messaging.
  3. Brand recognition: Google measures the level of brand recognition it has among job seekers to assess the effectiveness of its employer brand strategy.

Example: In 2020, Google was ranked number one on Fortune’s list of Best Companies to Work For. This ranking was based on several factors, including employee satisfaction, retention rates, and benefits offered. Google’s high ranking is an example of how the company’s employer branding strategy has been effective in attracting and retaining top talent. Additionally, the company’s high retention rates and positive employee feedback on platforms such as Glassdoor are indicators of the effectiveness of Google’s employer branding strategy. The company regularly updates its employer brand to ensure that it remains relevant and effective.

Google’s employer branding strategy includes the following:

  1. Promoting its values: Google’s employer branding strategy focuses on promoting its values of innovation, collaboration, and continuous learning. The company showcases its commitment to these values through its work environment, employee benefits, and corporate social responsibility initiatives.
  2. Providing an exceptional work environment: Google provides its employees with a fun, supportive, and creative work environment. The company’s campuses are designed to foster collaboration and creativity, and employees are provided with various amenities such as free food, fitness centers, and onsite healthcare.
  3. Encouraging employee empowerment: Google empowers its employees to take ownership of their work and provides them with the freedom to pursue their passions. The company encourages its employees to think creatively and provides them with various opportunities for personal and professional growth.
  4. Engaging with the community: Google actively engages with the community through its various corporate social responsibility initiatives. The company promotes environmental sustainability, social justice, and education, among other causes.


Building a strong employer brand is essential for attracting and retaining top talent in today’s highly competitive job market. By defining your employer brand, leveraging your existing employees, building a strong online presence, investing in employee development, and creating a positive candidate experience, you can differentiate your company from competitors and create a positive workplace culture that attracts and retains the best talent.


Ambler, T., & Barrow, S. (1996). The employer brand. Journal of Brand Management, 4(3), 185-206.
Iles, P., & Yolles, M. (2010). Employer branding and the contemporary career. Journal of Brand Management, 18(2), 93-101.
Klienman, M., & McDonald, S. (2017). Employer branding and talent management in the luxury sector. Journal of Business Research, 70, 357-365.
Meister, L. K., & Monahan, K. (2014). The role of employer branding in the war for talent. Journal of Brand Strategy, 3(1), 20-30.
Mosley, R. (2017). Employer Branding and the Employee Lifecycle. Wiley.
Mosley, R. (2017). Employer Branding for Dummies. Wiley.
Richardson, R. I., & Armstrong, J. S. (2018). Building a strong employer brand: A case study of the University of Warwick. International Journal of Forecasting, 34(4), 820-827.